Saturday, May 21, 2005

Gates warns of information overload

I'm not sure I like Bill Gates as 'prophet of the future'. He's just held his annual 'CEO Summit' where he talks up the 'technological revolution' and the implications for business and then sells them the new MS software 'solution'.

The reconfiguration of working environments, often called a 'new world of work' filled with 'tech-savy knowledge workers', is one reason given for the rethinking of schooling. Colin Lankshear and Michelle Knobel, Jim Gee, Jay Lemke, and many others talk about the changes to schooling that might need to happen if young people are going to be able to 'navigate' through this kind of society. Of course there is plenty of (Sk)hype, and so many of these researchers/academics also advocate a critical approach to all this 'social re-engineering'.



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