this researching life ... frustrations
I'm just going to say that this research gig is much more challenging that I thought it might be. Or the whole academic treadmill is much more annoying that I imagined. My life at present seems to be one endless round of meeting and minutes and agendas and following up this silly problem or that issue. I just want to do my own work! It gets really frustrating and I'm actually really unhappy about what seems to be my inability to take control and stop the spiral continuing.
1. I feel like crap because I can never seem to read enough. I'm always coming across new stuff and adding it to the 10 mile high pile. Then I talk to someone or read something (occasionally I do read!) and I'll see a reference and remember that I promised myself I'd read it months ago.
2. I'm not writing much PhD stuff at the moment. I should be hard at it, but I'm tied up writing stupid reports for all the damn committees I'm on. Irony is that I tried really hard to turn down all the sessional work I'm usually offered at the beginning of semesters and did a great job. Mind you I pissed quite a few people off in the process and might have burned a few bridges, but I've gone and done all this other crap that is taking just as much time.
3. I'm not exercising as much as I need to, so I feel like crap b/c of that as well. I'm finding it hard to get up early and get into work before 9-9.30ish. I mean I have Austen a couple of mornings a week and that makes things more difficult - more enjoyable b/c we get to hang out, but I sometimes feel like I should be doing more - I always feel like I should be doing more.
4. I'm feeling disorganised and things are getting on top of me in other areas as well.
what a pathetic whinger!
I'm usually not this naked on this blog. I don't care.